This is my own story:
I feel at home in many different places: Switzerland and the beauty of the mountains, Sri Lanka and the sound of the sea, Great Britain and its vibrant cities, ...
And so I became passionate about exploring the concomitance of different voices and viewpoints. How can I understand them, how can I bring them together to create something lasting?
Theatre, film and music have been the playing fields of my youth. Later I discovered my interested in philosophy, classics and mathematics. Two worlds - the creative and the analytical - came together...
I believe that growth happens both inside and outside institutions. Each one of us can find their unique mix of learning by guidance and learning by doing.
Brilliant scholars at Cambridge and Oxford as well as the Jesuit philosophers in Munich have guided me in how to think clearly and to the point. When it came to sharing what I had learned, I jumped into cold water becoming a lecturer, broadcaster and writer through daily exercise and experiments.
As a director and producer I took similar paths, moving between the worlds: I was a project leader at great institutions such as the National Theatre Zurich and the Swiss School of Impact as well as for small independent feature films and art exhibitions. I learned leading projects on the ground by being there and giving it my best shot - day after day after day, from assistant to director and head producer.
I am Gabriel Subaga
and this is how I vibe:
Feeling home
wherever I enjoy good food in good company...
Feeling at ease
wherever my senses are alive, surrounded by vibrant colours, tastes, smells, and sounds...
Feeling inspired
wherever I meet someone driven by true grit and genuine joy...